SEO Copywriting Guide

April 7, 2018
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One of the greatest challenges for digital marketers is creating content that’s compelling and fully optimized.

According to Copyblogger, SEO is still believed to be the most misunderstood topic in marketing. But it isn’t really misunderstood but misinterpreted. SEO platforms must be tailored to the people first, and then search algorithms.

SEO copywriting isn’t only about optimizing web page copies by utilizing keywords in certain arrangements and densities. And, search engine research has found that Google’s rankings are mainly based off of things that don’t happen on the page itself. SEO copywriting is all about generating content that is so compelling to people that they naturally want to pass it along to others by linking or sharing.

This blog will give you tips on the your writing process, so you can create easily readable and SEO friendly articles for your website. We’ll discuss various insights into writing content and provide you tools to tackle the challenges that you may face.

The Keyword Research Stage

The most important aspect in your SEO copywriting is your keywords. Your keywords are how readers will find your page and help improve your site rank above your competitors. Figuring out the right keywords is a developing process that involves trial and error.

Common mistakes marketers make include:

1) Targeting keywords that are too popular

2) Avoiding updating and expanding their keyword list

3) Doing insufficient research

The keyword research process should be ongoing and evolving. Keywords should be re-examined regularly, and competitive keywords should be checked explicitly because they can easily be replaced or augmented with longer and more specific phrases that can increase traffic.

Using keywords that all of your competitors use, won’t make you stand out. You should try to be unique and create a diversified list that will attract the right person to your page.

There are several free keyword tools available online that can draw from a trillion-keyword database that may be helpful during your search.

You should include relevant keywords in the high-attention areas of your site. This may consist of the title, headings, within the content on your page, URLs, meta tags or even your image file names.

Optimized websites typically have thousands or even millions of keywords. You can construct a unique page for all of your keywords, but at the same time, you shouldn’t try to cram everything into one page.

It is also essential to focus on where your visitors will go when they use a keyword. This is your landing page where users visit from other sources like search engines or social media.

Try to have your landing page have a particular focus so people who visit your page can focus on their subject and not a lot of random features. Consider the placement, color, buttons, and texts of your page. Make sure to optimize your headline and tagline so they can clearly communicate the core message from your website.

Lastly, images may have a significant impact on your user’s experience on your page. Images allow for people to understand your product better and will enable them to envision themselves using the product or service. Beware of using too many pictures because they can end up being distracting.

The Preparation Stage

The preparation stage is arguably the most important. It’s the time where you should think and decide what you are going to write about and how you are going to write it.

This is the time that you should answer questions like:

1) What do I want to achieve from this article?

2) What is the primary message that I am trying to deliver?

3) Who is my audience?

4) What research will you need for this piece?

5) What will be the format of this article?

When thinking about how you are going to write the article, you must consider how you are going to set the actual article up.

This step in the process is essential because, if your article is well structured, Google is more likely to rank it higher. The structure is basically the skeleton of your text, and it is how your viewers will perceive your message.

It is essential to have a clear structure that is easy for your viewer to follow. It is also helpful to create a list of useful topics or to create a menu that organizes each part of it.

Additionally, order the items in the specific way that you want to present it. Usually, websites arrange information by most important to least important or thematically organized to discuss various aspects or perspectives.

The Writing Stage

After figuring out exactly what you want to write about, it is now time to put your pencil to paper, or in this day and age, your fingers to your keys.

Usually, the most challenging part about writing an article is starting it. Instead of being caught up on the first sentence or the first paragraph, start writing whatever you are certain of.

The beginning and ends are easier to write once you have a basis for what you want to write about. Don’t focus on the actual content yet, but more about the direction in which you want to go.

While you are writing, it important to consider that your viewers are reading your post from a screen. Reading from a screen is hard. To avoid this, post things that are easy to read and not overwhelming.

You want to create clear and transparent paragraphs with short sentences, so your viewers can quickly read and understand your message.

You know a lot of information about the topic while your viewers probably do not. Remember, to define and explain specific terms for the topic.

Unless you are focusing on a niche market, complex phrases only make readers less focused on the subject. It is helpful to utilize transition words, to make your article more readable.

Lastly, always refer back to your planned structure from the previous stage. Organize the content starting with your most important topic, then explain and elaborate more as you go. Your readers should be able to grasp the primary focus of your article before reading it.

The Editing Stage

After completing the writing stage, your first draft should now be composed. This first draft will be the basis for your SEO copywrite, and you will continuously improve upon it in the final phase.

You should now act like a person from the outside looking in. You should read, re-read, and then re-re-read your article until you have removed every awkward sentence, clarified unclear phrases, and organized the structure in the most effective way for your readers to view it.

When editing your article, it is essential that you read it out loud and slowly. When you read out loud, it is easier to catch your mistakes with awkward sentences or phrases. You must be very critical of your work and not be afraid to go back and do more research on a topic. You should focus on the spelling of words and rephrase any awkward formulations.

Additionally, structure your paragraph in a clear matter that it is easy to follow. Make sure your headings and subheadings are consistent with one another. For example, if the subheading to this section was, “The Editing Stage of Your SEO Copywriting” it would stand out from the rest because it doesn’t match the other headings.

Last but not least, ask for feedback. Have one or two colleagues read it over before you officially launch and publish it online. And if you’re a freelance blogger, have your family or friends glance at it.

Feedback allows for perceiving how a user might react or respond to your article. It would be key to get a professional writer or editor to look it over, but if that isn’t an option, colleagues, friends, or family are sufficed.

The Final Touches

You have now planned, written and reviewed your work, but when you look at it, do you think it’s a masterpiece? Now, here are some tips that will make your article a work of art.


Steve Krug explained in his book “Don’t Make Me Think” that, “We don’t read pages. We scan them.” I think we can all admit to doing this and that is what you must expect when someone visits your site. This means that you should try to use language, images, layout, and colors that make your material stand out and appeal to someone just by a quick glance.


Numbers grab people’s attention. Whether it is percentages, mathematical content, a headline, or a list, including numbers in your article, allows your reader’s eyes to focus more on the content and think about the subject more in-depth.

Additionally, if you can make a list, make a list. List create building blocks for your readers. It makes it easier to read and more precise and organized. Lists allow you to communicate your thoughts quickly and effectively.

Quick Navigation

Make it easy for your visitors to know what you are offering and what they are trying to find. You should try to make it as simple as possible for your readers to find exactly what they need. This can be in the form of a menu or a traditional table of contents. This strategy feeds into the “scan-able” mentioned above where you can give your viewers an easy way to find specific list building tactics.

To Wrap It Up…

Your content should include solutions and interesting information that makes your visitors come back for more and making sure that your content is ranked, is mean to this end.

By following the simple steps of research content-specific keywords, preparing to your article, and editing the content are essential for your company to gain success through your work. If you follow these few simple steps, your SEO copywrite is on its way towards success.

As SEO experts, Chainlink can help you make sure you’re implementing strategies that produce tangible results and the highest ROI possible when it comes to your mobile marketing strategy.

Reach out to us below to learn more about how we can help your business grow online. We’d love to give you a free consultation.

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